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EmTech Q4W1: Basic Web Page Creation

In compliance with one of our activities in Empowerment technology, we ought to create a basic web page using WordPress. On our web page, we created a blog about our future laptop as well as an application that we would make if given the chance to develop one. To keep it short, I chose to create an application called "Eye See" which is an app dedicated to providing guidance and aid help to visually impaired people.

If you're interested to know more about this visit:

EmTech Q4W2: Adding a YouTube video to your site

In addition to what has been mentioned above, I created another post with regards to adding a YouTube video of my favorite song. The post was entitled: "EmTech Q4W2: Adding a YouTube video to your site". To read more as to what and why I chose the song to be my favorite, you can visit this link:

or you can simply see and press/select the option that leads to it from my first post since both posts are connected to one web page.

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